Monarch Business School Switzerland is happy to announce that Ms. Aurelia Narayan, Doctoral candidate has published a paper in Economy & Business, Volume 8, 2014 on Corporate Citizenship. The paper may be downloaded below:
The aim of this paper is to explore the current situation of corporate citizenship in India and its evolution over time, comparing it with industrialised countries. It attempts to compare and contrast two systems of Corporate Citizenship (CC), one in the U.S. and the other in India, each in a different phase of maturity. Observing the definition of CC in its westernised context, there is a literature gap regarding the behaviour of corporates, including local and multi-national corporations. This paper highlights the fact such entities in India are actually practising CSR and not CC.
Dr. Aurelia Ravet-Narayan is a graduate of the Doctor of Philosophy in Business Research program. She holds a “Master Europeen de Management et de Strategie d’Entreprise” as well as a “Diplome Europeen d’Etudes Superieures” from the European Federation of Schools. She also holds a Certificate in project management from Lyon 1 University Claude Bernard and a DEUG-Diplôme d’études universitaires générales from the University of Lyon, Jean Moulin Lyon III. At present, she works as a consultant in marketing & communications in the pharmaceutical and medical industries in India. She has in the past held the position of Assistant Manager at Sanofi Pasteur MSD in Lyon, France. Ms. Ravet has been the recipient of several product management awards within her industry. She is also an ambassador for the City of Lyon in India through the ONLYLYON network.
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